Thursday, May 23, 2013

Growing up??

My oldest daughter and I were getting excited as the school year was winding down. We were going to redesign her bedroom to make it a little more teenager like as soon as summer vacation started.  We look at pintrest for different ideas, and paint colors. We bought some cool posters to hang. I was moving them around to see where they would look best. 

I said, “why don’t we just hang this poster up over your ponies till we can paint.” (Her room has two pony murals) All of a sudden her face went white. She started to get tears in her eyes. 

“Mom, I don’t know if I want to do this.”

“Do what?” I asked.

“Change my room.” She replied. “I just really love my ponies, but I really would like a change too. I just don’t’ know what to do. I’m so confused, what is wrong with me?”

We sat down on her bed, and I told her I understood. You see she is at an age where hormones are raging; logic and reason are replaced with whirlwind emotions. It’s such confusing times for kids. I’m discovering, that’s where we, as parents need to be the calm in the middle of their storm. 

I stared to explain, I get what she was feeling. I shared a story with her when I was about her age and I still had this urge to play barbies with my little sisters, hide and seek, and strawberry shortcake. I had fun playing with them. It was familiar and fun. We had a great time with our barbies and the adventures they would go on. 

But I knew that I was too old to be playing barbies, and this conviction of “you shouldn’t be playing with those things, you’re all grown up.” Hit me, I entered into the “Fear Factor.”  Fear of the unknown, the unfamiliar. What does “growing up” mean? That is scary for a young girl. I totally get where my daughter was at.

But I assured her that her new room will still be “her room” just improved. She can still like ponies, pink, and all things that scream girl; But to open her mind to new things. To trust that it will be beautiful.

As I walked out of her room, and went about my day. I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me.  "You are no different than your daughter. Don’t you do the same thing when I call you to step out of your comfort zone and serve me? Don’t you step back and go Whoa!? I hear you say “that’s scary, that’s unfamiliar, I can’t do that.”

A flood of reasons to why I can’t serve, go flying through my mind.

You see there are specific times in my life the Lord has asked me to serve him in one way or another, or has asked me to do something that was very uncomfortable to me. But He used those times to draw me closer to Him.

For instance, I felt Him call me to serve in our youth group ministry, and awana ministry. But as He called me, there was Satan whispering in my ear. “You don’t know enough about the bible to teach the youth. You shouldn’t do that.” There it was again, the “fear factor.”

But when Satan attacks, how did Jesus handle it?  He fought him with scripture and truth. I rebuked Satan in Jesus name, and said “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” He will guide my paths. (2 Timothy 1:7) So I served, and still serve. Praise the Lord! It is so fulfilling, and the kids teach ME more than I teach them. It’s beautiful!

Then there are times He calls me to forgive people who have hurt me. Ugh, this one is hard, hard, and hard!! “I can’t do this Lord; the pain is just too much. I didn’t do anything wrong to this person, I didn’t deserve their rejection, their painful words, their hurtful actions.”

It’s then I hear His words “Forgive them father, for they know not what they do. Forgive just as I forgave you. For if you love them, they will know you are mine.” So I do, (tho very difficult at times) the freedom I get from it, is beautiful.

You see there was a time in my life where I did everything on my own. I fixed everything; I tried to make everything perfect. I was running the show. But it’s when life hits you upside the head, with trials or hurts, or when things DON’T go the way YOU planned. That God reveals himself to you in a might way, and you realize what dying to self means.

It’s those times I cry out and say, “I can’t do this anymore God.” 

He says, “I know child, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

So I submit, and say,” yes Lord, I WILL boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

Let me just encourage you if you have heard that still small voice inside you. Asking you to step out of your comfort zone to do something for the King, Tho it may be scary, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar. My advice to you is, enter into the “fear factor” with God’s truth and do it, even if you are afraid. 

You rebuke satan in Jesus name and say, “I’m trusting in the Lord with all my heart, and leaning not on my understanding; I will submit to Him, and he will make my paths straight.” Prov. 3:5-6

Even if you fail, He will always be there to pick you up and brush you off again. He is ever faithful!

Just like when I told my daughter to trust me, to open her mind to new things and her room will be beautiful.  The Lord wants you, wants me, to renew our minds; for He make ALL things new and you can trust it WILL be beautiful.

Friday, May 3, 2013

You Are A Masterpiece!

Besides being a artists, wife, and mother, I work part time as a lunch lady at our local middle school. One day I was washing down the tables in the cafeteria, when one of the girls I painted a mural for a few years ago started talking to me. She said that her sister painted over the mural I did for her. "yeah she painted it all purple." My jaw...dropped!!" I could barely utter the word..."what??" "Why?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and went on her merry way. I just stood there, and a flood of memories, and emotions came over me.

 I remember how excited I felt about that opportunity to paint a underwater mural. I  studied different techniques of blending paints, researching different underwater creatures and coral, studying the reflection the light gives underwater, and all the time I took to prepare for painting this mural. I also remember my aching body from the physical effort it took to paint it. The bending, stretching, and holding my breath hoping paints would blend the way I wanted them to. But what I remember the most was the joy!! The indescribable joy I felt when I finished. The smile that came across my face as I stepped back to take the final look of this mural. (see below for the mural)  It was so beautiful. It was breathtaking. Oh how I love using this talent that God has blessed me with!!

Sigh...but now all covered up...with purple..(gulp) paint...gone... in one swipe of a brush, or roll of a roller. My heart broke. :( (Now don't get me wrong I know it's totally up to the client to do what they want when they buy my art, it's theirs after they pay for it.) Free will...yep...I get it!

But my conversation with that girl, got me thinking of God. I wonder if that's the way He feels when we destroy His creation. When we hurt our bodies with drugs, alcohol, smoking, overeating, etc. What this must do to the Fathers heart. I also wonder, does it hurt Him when we look in the mirror and we hate ourselves? We hate the way we look, it may be your hair, your nose, your smile, your butt, your stomach. Whatever it is that you don't like about yourself. What this must do to the Father's heart, to hear your rip on yourself. When we are made in His very image. 

I imagine Him taking great care in creating us. Just like I do to create a piece of art. You are like a blank canvas to Him. I can picture His face smiling saying I'm going to give her blue eyes like ocean, or I will give Him strong shoulders for heavy work. In Eph 2:10 it says. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

For years I had a horrible self image. I let satan whisper to me and tell me lies about myself. It wasn't til I started digging into God's word and it revealed to me how much God loves me. Let me encourage you stop ripping on yourself, stop hurting yourself! You are created for SO much more!! You are God's masterpiece, created in HIS image...and as my little girl says.."God don't make junk!" Amen!!