We have had an issue with telling fibs lately with my
youngest. This has been an issue with my
youngest more so than with my oldest. As
always the Lord has something to teach me and her, through this all.
My little one was
playing with her science teacher’s ipad and was picking at the screen cover; so
much it made a bunch of air bubbles and trapped dirt on the screen. When
confronted by her teacher, she denied it. Even when her teacher said,” are you
sure? Now is the time to tell me the truth honey.” She denied it again! Later
on in the day, my oldest revealed to me that her sister DID indeed do this. So
I pulled her aside and said, “honey did you do that to the ipad.” She denied. So I pressed further. I said," nobody saw you, but
God did honey. He wants us to do the right thing even when nobody is looking.
It makes Him proud of us."
I could see the internal struggle written all over her face.
Then I said,” Do you know how you make a wrong –right?” She was very interested
when I spoke these words to her. I said confess, and ask for forgiveness. First
to God, then to the person you hurt or lied to.” I saw her shoulders drop. She
asked…”but what if they don’t forgive me?” I told her,”well, God always
forgives, His word says when you confess he casts your sins in the depths of the
sea, never to be seen again, and His mercies are new every morning. As for
people sometimes they will forgive, and sometimes they don’t. You have to trust
God with that. When YOU do what is right, it makes God smile. As for the other
person you have no control over, but the Lord does. Trust that He will make it
all work out for your good. “She wasn’t so sure about that.
Now I knew full well her science teacher would forgive her,
she is a wonderful Christian woman, and this would really help me in teaching
her about forgiveness and telling truth.
Later that night, my little one confessed to God in her
prayers that she was afraid if she told the truth about the I pad the teacher
would not let her play with it. But that she was sorry. Yeah…the truth!! But
the next morning was a little more difficult and I could see the anxiety in her
face. Standing in front of the one she
lied to. Face to face. She was struggling. She needed a little prompting, and
it was hard for her. But she did it. And it made this mama’s heart soar. Of
course her teacher hugged her, and told her why it was important to tell the
truth because lying hurts people. You
could see my little ones whole demeanor change. She was like a whole new
person. Skipping and smiling with a new start to her day. Knowing that she was
forgiven made her happy once again.
This subject of forgiveness is so hard. But at the same time
so freeing, and is the whole reason why Christ came to earth. I can tell you working with the youth, nothing
starts the waterworks more than this subject of “FORGIVENESS.” Every Sunday
school class I have taken on this subject, well, let me just say you better get
the Kleenex. Why is it so hard??
Unforgiveness is a burden that weighs us down. When you’re in need of it, sometimes you get
consumed with guilt, shame. But Jesus came to set that free, in Matt 11:28-30“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest. 29 Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Unforgiveness and bitterness is awful. It can actually make
you sick. Maybe you have seen a person who is bitter, it’s hard to hide. It’s
usually written all over their face. I heard it said “to forgive is to set a
prisoner free and to discover that prisoner is you.” Oh this is so true.
There are things in my life I have had to forgive others. Time
and time again. To be honest it’s not easy. Sometime it take me on the floor
crying out to God, help me. Through my tears I always hear His voice, forgive
just like I forgive you child. The bible verse goes off in my head…”But if you
do not forgive, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins. "Did I
not pray the Lord’s prayer thousands of times? “Forgives us our sins, as we
forgive others.” Yes I’ve said this over and over. Now it’s ok to say this
prayer it’s entirely different to live it.
Did Christ not live this out for us? That even on the cross,
He cried out to the Father “please forgive them. For they know not what they
do.” Even while we were crucifying Him, He forgave us. How can I sit there and not forgive others?
But sometimes the hurts of others is so awful, so hurtful, it’s hard to see
Jesus through it.
I’ve been there. It’s through these hurt broken times I envision
seeing God, in His throne room so highly exalted, with His glory shining so
brightly, and that He would look upon me . The me that is broken, messed up, holding
unforgiveness, and He chooses to love me anyways, even though I messed up, even
though I’m a sinner. He blinds himself to my brokenness, my imperfections and
says..”Child, I love you, and I forgive you. Now go do the same…let my light
shine through you and in you to others.” I can then let forgiveness flow freely
through me. Not because of who I am, but because of who HE is.
I can walk away from my tears, bitterness, hurt, and shame. Just like my little girl, I can skip once more,
I can be a happy girl again.
Will you please pray with me?
Oh Heavenly Father we
thank you for your beautiful son Jesus. Through His suffering we are made right
with you again. Thank you for forgiving me, for loving me. Lord help me to
forgive when I need to, and humble me when I need to ask for forgiveness. Help me to live a life where you are high and
lifted up and glorified, not just in what I say, but in what I DO. I love you Lord! Amen